ISSN 1997-7670 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8785 (Online)

List of issues > Series «Mathematics». 2011. Vol. 1

Integro-differential equations with degeneration in Banach spaces and it's applications in mathematical theory of elasticit

M. V. Falaleev, S. S. Orlov

Cauchy problem for linear integro-differential operator equation with degenerated differential part of high order and convolutional type Volterra integral term is considered in article. Fundamental operator-function of integro-differential operator, appropriated of examining equation, is constructed, Cauchy problem generalized (in class of distributios with left-bounded support) and classical (N times strongly continuously differentiable) solutions existence and uniqueness theorems are proved. Obtaining results are applied to the investigation of initial boundary value problems, arised in mathematical theory of elasticity.

Banach space, Fredholm operator, Jordan set, distribution, fundamental operator-function

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