ISSN 1997-7670 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8785 (Online)

List of issues > Series «Mathematics». 2016. Vol. 16

Classification and Types of Bases of All Ultrafunctions on Two-Element Set.

S. V. Zamaratskaya, V. I. Panteleev

This paper studies properties of ultrafunctions with respect of their inclusion in maximal clones.

The number of maximal clones for all ultrafunctions of rank 2 is equal to 11 [V. Panteleev, 2009].
All ultrafunctions are divided into 45 equivalence classes.
Based on this classification all kinds of bases are discribed. Two bases are of different kinds if there is a function in one basis with no equivalent function in the other one. We show that bases of hyperfunctions can have cardinality from 1 to 4: there is only one kind of basis with cardinality 1, 180 with cardinality 2, 686 with cardinality 3, 28 with cardinality 4.
ultrafunction, clone, base, maximal clone




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Full text (russian)