ISSN 1997-7670 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8785 (Online)

List of issues > Series «Mathematics». 2007. Vol. 1

The investigation of a nonlinear unlocal parabolic equation simulating the diffusion of plasma across the magnetic field

G. A. Rudykh

In this paper we investigate the simplest transport mathematical model of plasma density and neutral particles balance in the Tokamak device, which can be
reduced to the initial-boundary problem for a parabolic equation of the second order with implicit degeneration containing unlocal (integral) operators. The problem of stabilization of nonstationary solutions to stationary solutions is reduced to the investigation of the solvability of a nonlinear integrodifferential boundary value problem. The sufficient conditions on parametrs of a boundary value problem which has the unique classic stationary solution with the defined range of attraction are obtained.

краевая задача, нелокальные операторы, верхнее и нижнее решения, область притяжения, диффузия плазмы

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