ISSN 1997-7670 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8785 (Online)

List of issues > Series «Mathematics». 2013. Vol. 1

The linear Sobolev-type Equations With Relatively p-bounded Operators and Additive White Noise

S.A. Zagrebina, E.A. Soldatova

In the paper we observe the Cauchy – Dirichlet problem for the Barenblatt – Zheltov – Kochina equation for the perturbed white noise. We show the reduction of the problem under consideration to the Cauchy problem for stochastic Sobolev-type equation. We obtain sufficient conditions for the unique solvability for the abstract problem and for the Cauchy – Dirichlet problem for the Barenblatt – Zheltov – Kochina equation of the perturbed white noise. Our research is based on the mathematical model of Shestakov – Sviridyuk stochastic optimal measurement where under the «White noise» is understood the Nelson – Gliklikh derivative of the Wiener process.

linear Sobolev type equations, relative spectrum, Wiener process, additive white noise

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