ISSN 1997-7670 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8785 (Online)

List of issues > Series «Mathematics». 2007. Vol. 1

Logic programing in knowledge domains

A. V. Mantsivoda, V. A. Lipovchenko, A. A. Malykh

We propose an approach to combining logic programming and knowledge representation paradigms. This approach is based on the conception of description terms. LP and KR are integrated in such a way that their underlying logics are carefully separated. A core idea here is to push the KR techniques on the functional level. On the LP level the knowledge base is considered as a constraint store, in which special propagation methods are ruling. A NCC calculus that handles description terms is developed as an underlying inference system for propagation. On the basis of this formalism, a constraint logic programming language integrating both LP and KR approaches is designed.

logic programing, description logics, description term, constraint logic programing, naming constraints calculus.

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