ISSN 1997-7670 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8785 (Online)

List of issues > Series «Mathematics». 2007. Vol. 1

Numeric modeling of flows and admixture transfer in stratified lakes

V. K. Arguchintsev, A. V. Arguchintseva

The given scientific work considers a nonhydrostatic nonstationary threedimensional nonlinear model for the description of flows, temperature fields and density fields in lakes and reservoirs. The model takes into account inhomogeneities of a bottom relief and the state equation for water connecting pressure, temperature and density. The system of hydrothermodynamic equations is solved numerically with application of the method of fictitious areas. The implicit finite difference scheme of component splitting is used. The calculations results of prevailing flows in the top layers of Lake Baikal in the period without ice are presented. The motion velocities found on the basic of the hydrothermodynamic model and turbulent characteristics are used for the calculation of admixture transfer from the Baikal pulp-and-paper combine at prevailing flow in hollow of Southern Baikal.

моделирование, уравнения гидротермодинамики, озеро, течения, примесь

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